Serenity Afterlife Book 2 eBook Willow Rose

Serenity Afterlife Book 2 eBook Willow Rose
Ok the time frame is mentioned several times in the differrence human time is verses heaven time. The problem lies in that the author forgets their own time frame when megan returns 9-10 hours later heaven time to miss breakfast that would mean 23-26hrs she had spent on earth. She had only spent maybe 1 hour with jason to watch him and pull a blanket over him so what happened to the other 22-25 hrs? Does it take that long to fly there and back? In prior chapters it doesnt take long for them to fly to earth and back.Also shes a 2nd year student now that acts like a first year first day cluless girl at times. You would think oh the school is on lock down and shes under protection shes been warned but no she wont tell a soul about a scary looking creature she sees in the night esp after confronting the one the creature sees every night.
For angels that are almighty and poweful they sure take to investigations like slow snails. Yes because the fast snails would be to fast. How does a 2nd year ghost student find out who the culprit is before any telepathic angels?? Really. Ok and how does a 100 year old dead guy never have sex or be curious enough to ask or try it out to find out? Why is megan so obsessed with jason when she barely knows him as a lost memory? Why does the author start a topic then ramble on through 3 or 4 seperate topics before comming back to the original unfinished topic only to leave the topic unfinished and leave every scene with megan obseesed over Jason? By the end of the book i was hoping jason would keel over and die already as him being in this book was a constant drag and a boring experience reading about Jason's same same same drug infused days.
The ending was wrapped up way to fast because the whole point she went out there without protection under her teachers sketchy watch who happened to abandon her without the cloak was to find the barn keeper guy... but the question still remains was he ok and if so where was he? Why did the teacher drag megan out there and abandon her there if the barn guy wasnt even there to begin with? That teacher is part telepathic wouldnt she have known he wasnt there? And she obviously sensed danger and ran for help right... so y not just grab megan and pull her like shes done in the past? Also if spirits are able to go right through things without practice like in book one at the beginning... why is it now so difficult to go through walls? The angels act surprised a prisoner escaped through diamond walls... soo they are spirits thats what they do they pass through solid materials. Otherwise there needs to be an explaination as to why spirits cant pass through diamonds.
Also we were told that they died with the clothes and any marks or blood on them and they would forever look like that atleast until graduation... but if thats the case how does mehan take her clothes off and stand completely nekked if they are supposed to always be on her?
How can a spirit be shattered into mini orbs of spirit material by a metal car if spirits pass through objects?
How can a spirit easily pass through humans but bounce off water and have to put in serious effort to get below the surface of the water? Theres times water easily passes through them and other times they bounce right of the water.
The jealousy thing is way to strong for a dead guy who has been dead for so long. Its like the author thinks that 100 earth years of time which is like 37 heaven years means nothing at all and hes just another jealous kid and hasnt seen or learned from anyone in those years hes been dead.
The writing is mostly past tense talking about what already happened but then here and there its present tense then back to past tense. It can make ya dizzy.
I think the story would be alot better if mick wasnt a 12 yr old jealous prick and jason didnt exist. Then the supernatural story would be much better dealing with angels and demons with powers.
Also they say magic is evil but having special abilities is not... you heard that right. Makes total sense i know... super powers ok but using spells to do the same things as super powers not ok.
I bought all 4 books so here is to hoping book 3 is better then book 2.

Tags : Serenity (Afterlife Book 2) - Kindle edition by Willow Rose. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Serenity (Afterlife Book 2).,ebook,Willow Rose,Serenity (Afterlife Book 2),BUOY MEDIA LLC,Fiction Fantasy Paranormal,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance
Serenity Afterlife Book 2 eBook Willow Rose Reviews
Well written, but the label paranormal is misleading, it would find a better target market if labeled christian or spiritual. While I generally steer clear of christian books I found this one intriguing nonetheless. Characters are well rounded. Note I found the book via one of the many email groups with links to free or sale priced books, and relied on their synopsis of the book.
This one was even better than the first even though I just wanted to slap her a few times with how selfish she was expecting Mick to just stand aside when she runs off to watch over Jason and knowing all the while she is daydreaming of Jason and her together. That is a part that truly bothers me with this series. Like if the shoe was on the other foot there is no way she would be okay with it...
However it still drew me in and imagination wise was a topshelf read.
I very much enjoyed this second part in the series! The creativity is really captivating and I was finished with the book before I knew it. I will definitely be reading the rest of the series and I highly recommend it for lovers of fantasy novels.
I am not sure how she comes up with her stories, but this is definitely a writer you should find. I look forward to her books and her imagination. Only negative I have are the small grammatical errors the proof reader should have picked up on.
Awe Willow Rose I have read many books including yours and yours always thrill and excite me. Follow readers get this series you won't be sorry. If you have read any of her books then you what I am telling you the truth. Enjoy!
The book carried on the story of Meghan, Jason and Mick in the afterlife, but there were many boring chapters. I guess this story is not my cup of tea. I bought all four books and will read them, however, I do not expect to “ love” them.
He's really sweet and romantic, but after seeing his scary jealous side he really freaks me out. I don't have a good feeling about Meghan and him getting married. The whole I'm engaged with you so you can't go see Jason anymore thing, or the constant creepy I need to protect you, I don't know why but I just have a bad feeling about this guy. The book was great, I enjoyed reading about Megan's strength, she's amazing!
Ok the time frame is mentioned several times in the differrence human time is verses heaven time. The problem lies in that the author forgets their own time frame when megan returns 9-10 hours later heaven time to miss breakfast that would mean 23-26hrs she had spent on earth. She had only spent maybe 1 hour with jason to watch him and pull a blanket over him so what happened to the other 22-25 hrs? Does it take that long to fly there and back? In prior chapters it doesnt take long for them to fly to earth and back.
Also shes a 2nd year student now that acts like a first year first day cluless girl at times. You would think oh the school is on lock down and shes under protection shes been warned but no she wont tell a soul about a scary looking creature she sees in the night esp after confronting the one the creature sees every night.
For angels that are almighty and poweful they sure take to investigations like slow snails. Yes because the fast snails would be to fast. How does a 2nd year ghost student find out who the culprit is before any telepathic angels?? Really. Ok and how does a 100 year old dead guy never have sex or be curious enough to ask or try it out to find out? Why is megan so obsessed with jason when she barely knows him as a lost memory? Why does the author start a topic then ramble on through 3 or 4 seperate topics before comming back to the original unfinished topic only to leave the topic unfinished and leave every scene with megan obseesed over Jason? By the end of the book i was hoping jason would keel over and die already as him being in this book was a constant drag and a boring experience reading about Jason's same same same drug infused days.
The ending was wrapped up way to fast because the whole point she went out there without protection under her teachers sketchy watch who happened to abandon her without the cloak was to find the barn keeper guy... but the question still remains was he ok and if so where was he? Why did the teacher drag megan out there and abandon her there if the barn guy wasnt even there to begin with? That teacher is part telepathic wouldnt she have known he wasnt there? And she obviously sensed danger and ran for help right... so y not just grab megan and pull her like shes done in the past? Also if spirits are able to go right through things without practice like in book one at the beginning... why is it now so difficult to go through walls? The angels act surprised a prisoner escaped through diamond walls... soo they are spirits thats what they do they pass through solid materials. Otherwise there needs to be an explaination as to why spirits cant pass through diamonds.
Also we were told that they died with the clothes and any marks or blood on them and they would forever look like that atleast until graduation... but if thats the case how does mehan take her clothes off and stand completely nekked if they are supposed to always be on her?
How can a spirit be shattered into mini orbs of spirit material by a metal car if spirits pass through objects?
How can a spirit easily pass through humans but bounce off water and have to put in serious effort to get below the surface of the water? Theres times water easily passes through them and other times they bounce right of the water.
The jealousy thing is way to strong for a dead guy who has been dead for so long. Its like the author thinks that 100 earth years of time which is like 37 heaven years means nothing at all and hes just another jealous kid and hasnt seen or learned from anyone in those years hes been dead.
The writing is mostly past tense talking about what already happened but then here and there its present tense then back to past tense. It can make ya dizzy.
I think the story would be alot better if mick wasnt a 12 yr old jealous prick and jason didnt exist. Then the supernatural story would be much better dealing with angels and demons with powers.
Also they say magic is evil but having special abilities is not... you heard that right. Makes total sense i know... super powers ok but using spells to do the same things as super powers not ok.
I bought all 4 books so here is to hoping book 3 is better then book 2.

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