Megan Mark The Breeds Book 1 Lora Leigh Books

Megan Mark The Breeds Book 1 Lora Leigh Books
I am just catching up with Lora Leigh. I've read so many paranormal novels that I'm now seeking out new writers and series. I think this book is "paranormal lite", heavy on the erotic sex and light on the plot, which is not particularly compelling. The book is repetitive too. Conflict is absolutely necessary to have drama, but it's tiring to have characters go back and forth between "will we/can we make a go of this relationship" over and over and over again. They come to conclusions and then the same doubts rear their ugly heads again as if they had never been addressed. It makes me feel as if the author was trying to pad the book to make it longer by ramping up the angst.In addition, I enjoy reading erotic sex but I didn't like Braden's brand of it. He is driven by a need to make Megan submit to him, not just in bed but in every other way. It's true that a lot of it is his need to protect her. He pays lip service to her desire to be her own woman, but he has to be THE alpha, even though it becomes increasingly clear that Megan's own alpha tendencies are quickly emerging. Some of his behavior is beyond his control; he's a genetically engineered human and a lion, and there are differences between him other shape shifters. But I find the submission angle highly offensive. He uses sex to force Megan to agree to the behavior he requires and she desperately wants his wild no holds barred love making so she submits. That is so retro. We don't, or shouldn't, let men do that to us. Crude dirty talk has its place in the bedroom, and anything two people do with mutual consent is fine with me. But the submission thing, even though eventually worked out, is not my cup of tea. Women may fantasize about being forced into sexual submission but for me anyway, it's just a fantasy. Braden is unbearably arrogant and I found him unsympathetic despite his hardships and impossible to like, yet Megan submits. I think I'll skip Ms. Leigh's other books because I expect more of the same.

Tags : Megan's Mark (The Breeds, Book 1) (9780425209646): Lora Leigh: Books,Lora Leigh,Megan's Mark (The Breeds, Book 1),Berkley,0425209644,Romance - General,Genetic engineering,Love stories,Murder - Investigation - New Mexico,New Mexico,Policewomen,Romantic suspense fiction,FICTION Fantasy Contemporary,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance General,FICTION Romance Paranormal General,FICTION Thrillers Supernatural,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,FictionRomance - Suspense,MASS MARKET,Romance,Romance - Contemporary,Romance - Suspense,RomanceModern,Romance: Modern,lora leigh;paranormal romance;romance;paranormal;thrillers;romance novels;thriller books;suspense;romance books;thriller;ghost;suspense books;science fiction and fantasy;paranormal mystery;fiction;novels;fiction books;mysteries and thrillers;books fiction;paranormal books;suspense thriller books;fantasy novels;romance novel;fantasy books for adults;fantasy book;fantasy fiction;fantasy novel;romance book;romantic novels;mystery thriller suspense;mystery and thriller;suspense fiction,romance; paranormal; paranormal romance; urban fantasy; suspense; thrillers; thriller; romance novels; fiction; fiction books; thriller books; romance books; mysteries and thrillers; mystery thriller suspense; paranormal mystery; science fiction and fantasy; paranormal books; suspense thriller books; fantasy books for adults; mystery and thriller; suspense fiction; science fiction and fantasy books; supernatural suspense novels; paranormal fiction; vampires; demons; supernatural; angels; witches; magic; vampire,FICTION Fantasy Contemporary,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance General,FICTION Romance Paranormal General,FICTION Thrillers Supernatural,FictionRomance - Suspense,Romance - Contemporary,Romance - Suspense,Fiction - Romance,Fiction,Romance: Modern,Romance
Megan Mark The Breeds Book 1 Lora Leigh Books Reviews
I'd reading the series in chronological order and it just keeps getting better. For the first time you have an alpha female mated with the typical alpha male. I loved Megan! Most of these books have the female eventually submitting to their mate but not her. She can help her mate because of her training and empathic abilities, it is a refreshing change from the norm.
Another reason I liked this book so much is because it has some action/fighting. Readers have always been told of the constant danger to breed mates but in this story you get to experience it. If you are a breed fan, it's worth the read.
Loved all the action and the "bad ass" heroine. Enjoyed how she held her own with the hero, and with all the other men! Plus she had humor and sarcasm, two of my favorite traits in a female character. 😀
The sex scenes were too graphic for me, this was my first LL book and some of the language and detailed sexual encounters were a bit much. I skipped thru a lot of those scenes and still really enjoyed the rest of the story, interesting imagination LL has...
Another review for another hot novel.
Pros- you have Braden who is a Breed. He is hot, strong, protective. He senses Megan's ability. In this story we are given a lot of insight into how and what he thinks as he trys to figure not only Megan out, but what's going on as well.
Megan- she is human, but empathic. She has her own skills and strengths. And yet, she is still vulnerable/fragile. Just how I like my stories to go. She's a deputy- so don't think she's a wimp. She is feisty. Her and her dog can do damage. I also like how Megan is able to eventually work with Braden and see how their bond has other benefits.
Cons-The book eventually ends.
Lora Leigh gives us one of her sensual romances in the Feline Breed Series. The series is about the men and women who are gene engineered by the people who want to make a super killing disposable soldier, by mixing animal DNA with human DNA. I have read all her other books in the series and this one fits in just fine.
Megan Fields is an empath, she is living in the desert and works as a deputy for her cousin because she is unable to shield her mind from the thoughts and emotions of those around her. She has given up her dream of working in Special Ops and is existing as she feels life is passing her by.
Braden Arness is a Lion Feline Breed, he has been sent to protect Megan since his boss has discovered someone has killed two breeds and tried to kill Megan. Braden is a loner, he is devoted to trying to find the men and women who raised and brutalized the breeds before they escaped from the holding cells where they were tested and bred to be killing machines.
Few people know that the breeds can mate. And few breeds do find their mate, it is unknown what lets them know they have found their mate but once they do they leave a mark on the shoulder of the chosen one. All of the mates so far have been human but it is possible that at sometime a breed may find his mate to be another breed.
Now Braden must keep Megan alive and he has discovered that she is his mate. He and Megan must find out who wants her dead and why. It must be something she knows, but what is it? Togather they will face the challenge of becoming mates and the terror of facing death.
Once again Lora Leigh has given us a taut, fast paced, action, thriller. I think this new series will catch alot of attention.
This series by Lora Leigh is intriguing. Even though it is fiction, there is just enough dirty politics and greedy politicians to make it seem all too possible. Jonas Wyatt has learned to navigate the muddy waters of Washington D. C. It remains to be seen what becomes of him because as everyone knows, you can't help getting dirty when swimming in muck.
I am just catching up with Lora Leigh. I've read so many paranormal novels that I'm now seeking out new writers and series. I think this book is "paranormal lite", heavy on the erotic sex and light on the plot, which is not particularly compelling. The book is repetitive too. Conflict is absolutely necessary to have drama, but it's tiring to have characters go back and forth between "will we/can we make a go of this relationship" over and over and over again. They come to conclusions and then the same doubts rear their ugly heads again as if they had never been addressed. It makes me feel as if the author was trying to pad the book to make it longer by ramping up the angst.
In addition, I enjoy reading erotic sex but I didn't like Braden's brand of it. He is driven by a need to make Megan submit to him, not just in bed but in every other way. It's true that a lot of it is his need to protect her. He pays lip service to her desire to be her own woman, but he has to be THE alpha, even though it becomes increasingly clear that Megan's own alpha tendencies are quickly emerging. Some of his behavior is beyond his control; he's a genetically engineered human and a lion, and there are differences between him other shape shifters. But I find the submission angle highly offensive. He uses sex to force Megan to agree to the behavior he requires and she desperately wants his wild no holds barred love making so she submits. That is so retro. We don't, or shouldn't, let men do that to us. Crude dirty talk has its place in the bedroom, and anything two people do with mutual consent is fine with me. But the submission thing, even though eventually worked out, is not my cup of tea. Women may fantasize about being forced into sexual submission but for me anyway, it's just a fantasy. Braden is unbearably arrogant and I found him unsympathetic despite his hardships and impossible to like, yet Megan submits. I think I'll skip Ms. Leigh's other books because I expect more of the same.

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