Beauty and the Mustache A Philosophical Romance Penny Reid 9780989281096 Books

Beauty and the Mustache A Philosophical Romance Penny Reid 9780989281096 Books
There are spoilers, be warned.The Good: This book was free. There's good poetry in it. It's located in the best place on earth, Great Smoky Mountains in TN.
The Bad: Oh, where to begin: 1) It's completely from the Heroine's POV so you never know what the Hero is thinking - and reading the epilogue of his thoughts, makes him seem stalker-ish and weird. 2) Her mom is dying through 60% of the story, having dealt with hospice more than once in my life I can tell you there is nothing romantic or sexual or fun about it. 3) Ashley leaves her family for EIGHT years and never once asked about her brothers. This is absurd, who never asks about their family? unless they're some kind of abusive monsters, I can't imagine never asking about them, much less never visiting. 4) Everyone just accepts Drew's relationship with their mom like it's completely normal for a man 20 years younger to become best friends with his sister's fake husband's real wife. You're confused? exactly that. And, although logistically I understand the reasons for the power of attorney being given to him, who doesn't get angry when their parent doesn't trust them enough to handle their medical / financial issues? The Winston family is way too accepting. 5) Her friends, I don't like them at all. Who brings a vibrator to a woman whose mama is dying? They have no boundaries and I'm a big fan of boundaries.
The Ugly - The Brothers. I wanted to read this book because I love the idea of lots of brothers but they're weird. All six of them still live with their mama, even though they're grown men. They have a "masturbation" schedule. Yes, you read that right, a masturbation schedule in a house with their mama. Ew. Do they not have their own bedrooms? Why don't they lock their bathroom door? Has their mama never accidentally walked in on them like the sister does? It's just weird and gross. And only one of them has hurt feelings that the sister never visited or called or wrote? I don't know any real person who would just accept that without some hurt feelings. And not a one of them tried to tear down the hospital that their mama was in when they knew she was sick but since they were denied entry they just went about their business. It's like they're all idiots until the sister comes homes.
I really wanted to like this story but I don't

Tags : Beauty and the Mustache: A Philosophical Romance [Penny Reid] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div><b>From the USA TODAY bestselling author, Penny Reid</b></div><br /><div><b></b></div><div><b></b></div><div>There are three things you need to know about Ashley Winston: </div><div>1) She has six brothers and they all have beards,Penny Reid,Beauty and the Mustache: A Philosophical Romance,Cipher-Naught,0989281094,Fiction Romance Romantic Comedy,FictionWomen,Romance,Romance - Romantic Comedy
Beauty and the Mustache A Philosophical Romance Penny Reid 9780989281096 Books Reviews
4.5 stars! Sigh... I have been ruined by Dr. Ruinous and his poet's soul! I think this is my favorite Penny Reid book so far. I loved it! This is Ashley Winston and Drew Runous's story. Ashley, a nurse in Chicago, is close with her mother but hasn't been back to her hometown in the Tennessee mountains or seen her 7 brothers in 8 years. She is upset and scared to find out that her mother is in the hospital. She rushes back to Tennessee to her side to find out that her mother is dying of cervical cancer with only weeks to live. Ashley is heartbroken and breaks her back taking care of her dying mother. Things in her family have changed since she left. Her brothers are all grown and have changed from juvenile delinquent, tortuous jokesters to more mature, caring men (still quirky and hilarious). She spends time getting to know them again. She also meets and gets to know Drew. In her absence, he has been practically adopted into the Winston clan, becoming the extra son to her mother and the extra brother to her brothers. They all love Drew. At first she is put off that he has made himself right at home with her family, but as Ashley and Drew get to know each other, they see how much they have in common. Both have a love of poetry and they like to quote it and debate with each other. They have a connection they have never had with anyone else, but with Ashley living in Chicago and the sorrow they both have over Mrs. Winston's impending death, they don't think they can have a future together. They both soon realize that they truly belong with and don't want to be without each other and they are willing to do whatever it takes to be together.
I really liked both Ashley and Drew. I could identify with Ashley's personality so much. Sometimes shy, a huge reader, raised in the South with the manners and colloquial phrases that come with it, etc. She was sweet, strong and giving. Drew was the strong, silent type on the outside, but he was sensitive without being weak. He let everyone lean on him and did everything he could to help the Winston's through their time. Watching him and Ashley's slow burn into falling in love was such a sweet experience. I loved their shared love of poetry. Drew said and thought the sweetest things. He had a true poets soul. I was swooning over how sweet they were together. They were a very perfect match for each other. I liked that not too much detail is given on Drew's past and that he was celibate. I liked that they're physical relationship was so slow to happen (never thought I would say that!) and that they waited until they were in love to go there. I appreciated that the backdrop of their love story was Mrs. Winston's dying, but there was not a depressing feeling and there is a lot of hope for the future in the book. I also loved the glimpses of the Winston brothers and Ashley's knitting group.
Penny Reid is such an amazing author. She's a genius. I love her smart, strong heroines and strong but sensitive heroes. Her characters have so much depth to them and her stories have so many layers. Reading her books are just a lovely experience and they leave me with such a happy feeling. They are a great blend of humor and sweetness. I am looking forward to much more from this talented author!
Penny Reid is a genius. I honestly do not know how it is possible that after each book of hers that I read I think "This one is my favorite" then I read her latest and I'm like "Nope, THIS is my favorite". I think this is my favorite of hers by far. ) I can not begin to adequately describe how very much I fell in love with Drew, Ashley, all of the 6 bearded Winstons.
The genius that is Penny's series is that while yes, they are all part of a series and there is a cohesion about her books that makes it clear that we are indeed reading a (fantastic) series and yet every book is different. NSH brought us Sir Handsome Mc HotPants and the adorable Janie, FWoB we have Freaking Nico and Elizabeth's boy band love, in Love Hacked we have Alex with the voice and Sandra with her ZING and now we have poetry writing Drew that will melt your butter and Ashley that will melt your heart.
Drew is probably the most swoon worthy male lead I've read in a while and deserves to be up there with the ranks of Mr. Darcy, Jaime Fraser, and Captain Wentworth. "Sugar, I'd be honored to catch you anytime you'd like to fall." "Since I first laid eyes on you and felt sorry for every beautiful thing that was made no longer resplendent, nullified by your being." I could go on and on. His poems and the epilogue!!! Drew's words are so beyond beautiful, just swoon.
This truly is a romance novel and I seriously think it's Penny's best. There are scenes that are laugh out loud funny and zany, the hot sexy times, like the rest of the Knitting in the City books, but this time around we have an added layer of emotional depth and real honest to god romance. This book is just plain beautiful and I can not recommend it enough.
There are spoilers, be warned.
The Good This book was free. There's good poetry in it. It's located in the best place on earth, Great Smoky Mountains in TN.
The Bad Oh, where to begin 1) It's completely from the Heroine's POV so you never know what the Hero is thinking - and reading the epilogue of his thoughts, makes him seem stalker-ish and weird. 2) Her mom is dying through 60% of the story, having dealt with hospice more than once in my life I can tell you there is nothing romantic or sexual or fun about it. 3) Ashley leaves her family for EIGHT years and never once asked about her brothers. This is absurd, who never asks about their family? unless they're some kind of abusive monsters, I can't imagine never asking about them, much less never visiting. 4) Everyone just accepts Drew's relationship with their mom like it's completely normal for a man 20 years younger to become best friends with his sister's fake husband's real wife. You're confused? exactly that. And, although logistically I understand the reasons for the power of attorney being given to him, who doesn't get angry when their parent doesn't trust them enough to handle their medical / financial issues? The Winston family is way too accepting. 5) Her friends, I don't like them at all. Who brings a vibrator to a woman whose mama is dying? They have no boundaries and I'm a big fan of boundaries.
The Ugly - The Brothers. I wanted to read this book because I love the idea of lots of brothers but they're weird. All six of them still live with their mama, even though they're grown men. They have a "masturbation" schedule. Yes, you read that right, a masturbation schedule in a house with their mama. Ew. Do they not have their own bedrooms? Why don't they lock their bathroom door? Has their mama never accidentally walked in on them like the sister does? It's just weird and gross. And only one of them has hurt feelings that the sister never visited or called or wrote? I don't know any real person who would just accept that without some hurt feelings. And not a one of them tried to tear down the hospital that their mama was in when they knew she was sick but since they were denied entry they just went about their business. It's like they're all idiots until the sister comes homes.
I really wanted to like this story but I don't

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