Reborn Alpha Claim Book 3 eBook Addison Cain Blushing Books

Reborn Alpha Claim Book 3 eBook Addison Cain Blushing Books
This story had plenty of potential and took the reader for quite a ride that was exciting, compelling, and twisty...all up until its ending. I'm not sure what happened, and as much as I want to give a glowing 5-star review (because I like this author), I have to be honest. I really don't know what happened. It was like just after the climax, the author decided she hated her characters. Now, I will admit that I am a sucker for a HEA ending, but I am also a realist. I know that things probably weren't going to be that way in this story. BUT...the way it ended was so ambiguous and blurry, you're left with a feeling of incompleteness, like maybe the story was cut just a little too short to give us a true feeling of resolution. By the end of the story, most of the characters you came to know and love don't have a true resolution to their story. The reader is left to guess and wonder if what we think happened actually occurred. SPOILERS ahead:I guess Shepherd took Claire away at the end..? I really don't know. Jules is...dead..? Maybe. What about Maryanne? She had power, but was that enough to save her? At least we know about Nona. I loved that Shepherd and Claire were finally able to love each other, even if just for a short time before everything went to $%#. I was waiting for the moment when she finally kissed him back. The tenderness of Shepherd was amazing, especially when Claire gave him that heartbreaking revelation about his "beloved." Their heart bled for them. So many emotions. So, yeah...I enjoyed these books. Don't think that I didn't. I just think the ending could have been hashed out a little better, especially if there aren't going to be any further installations to Shepherd and Claire's story. I'm left unsatisfied.

Tags : Reborn (Alpha's Claim Book 3) eBook: Addison Cain, Blushing Books: Kindle Store,ebook,Addison Cain, Blushing Books,Reborn (Alpha's Claim Book 3),Blushing Books,Fiction Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology,Fiction Thrillers Crime
Reborn Alpha Claim Book 3 eBook Addison Cain Blushing Books Reviews
Spoiler Alert I walked into this knowing it was a dark romance. I've read two of her other books, and I read the disclaimer. But there is nothing that can prepare you for an overly detailed and savage rape scene of a pregnant woman. I mean seriously. If you get off on three men raping a woman with the intent to kill her and laughing when they see her miscarry, you need help.
I see why she was banned from Barnes and Nobles. Her writing is impeccable. She does an excellent job of describing her world but she does too many unnecessary things that do nothing but shock the conscious. Rape is evil. This book has an evil intent.
This third installment delivered what I wanted and more. The story continues, unexpected events keep driving it forward. I can't say what I'd like because you just have to read for yourself. At times Addison Cain made me feel all emotions and I had to take a break ). But, I was always compelled to know more. Honestly, I was shocked, and surprised at the end of the book...did I say shocked ?? Can't wait for more!
I will tell you that if I had read the reviews first, I would never have purchased these books and I would have missed a great series by an amazing author! These are the first books by Addison Cain that I have read and good lord , she is on my top 5 list of authors too read from here on out. I loved her writing style. You can actually See what she is describing as the story goes on. Clair and Sheppard are made for each other even though you don't see right away. Clair's life is very hard in the beginning too read...actually, all the way through! The mental and physical abuse was very hard too read. Sheppard is one that you love too hate but as his story unfolded, you realize why he is the way he is. Never judge a book by it's cover because you will wrong every time! I'm so glad that I took a chance on Addison and I think you should as well. The end of book #3 left the possibility of so many things too come that it will be very difficult too wait until Summer 2017 for Alpha's control. I just know that it's going to be amazing!!
I am so grateful that I did not discover this series until all 3 volumes were completed otherwise I would have been so irritated to have to wait. I read all 3 books within 2 days because I couldn't put it down. I have read so many books and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised that this was such a unique story.
The last chapter or so of book three I was crying. I understand that there is to be another book.... but I didn't not feel disappointed at the ending of this book the way I do at the end of some... Yes there was sort of a cliffhanger.... but even without another book this story feels complete.
I have read a few of the negative comments about this story and am glad that I read it for myself because it was really good. It is dark, tragic, and that is in your face, but if you pay attention there is so much hope and light. Bravo!
I'll be honest. When I started this series I was just looking for a mildly interesting "romance" novel to bide my time. The Alpha's Claim series was such an incredible surprise.
Intriguing and deep characters highlight a fascinating post-apocalyptic world. I found myself speeding through this last book in particular. It felt like for the first time, in such a long time, I was genuinely surprised with where the story went.
All in all I would highly recommend this series for anyone looking for "something more" than your typical "romance novel."
Can't wait for the next book!
This is the third and final installment of the Alpha's Claim series and the author left me extremely disappointed. The story was strung along, almost painfully slow, in this installment and was not even completed! The author leaves you on a huge cliff hanger and "continues" the main characters' storyline in a brand new series that focuses on two other characters that we've never met before, in a completely different setting. I would have been fine with the tragic ending, if and only if, the author had not written the last few pages that served as the enormous cliff hanger. It's a money grabbing scheme, plain and simple. Out of curiosity of the main two characters' fates, I read reviews on the next series first book and it appears they're barely mentioned except for a quick wrap up of their ending that could have been included in the epilogue of this book.
I have to say, I am having highly dissatisfied and won't be buying from this author again.
This story had plenty of potential and took the reader for quite a ride that was exciting, compelling, and twisty...all up until its ending. I'm not sure what happened, and as much as I want to give a glowing 5-star review (because I like this author), I have to be honest. I really don't know what happened. It was like just after the climax, the author decided she hated her characters. Now, I will admit that I am a sucker for a HEA ending, but I am also a realist. I know that things probably weren't going to be that way in this story. BUT...the way it ended was so ambiguous and blurry, you're left with a feeling of incompleteness, like maybe the story was cut just a little too short to give us a true feeling of resolution. By the end of the story, most of the characters you came to know and love don't have a true resolution to their story. The reader is left to guess and wonder if what we think happened actually occurred. SPOILERS ahead
I guess Shepherd took Claire away at the end..? I really don't know. Jules is...dead..? Maybe. What about Maryanne? She had power, but was that enough to save her? At least we know about Nona. I loved that Shepherd and Claire were finally able to love each other, even if just for a short time before everything went to $%#. I was waiting for the moment when she finally kissed him back. The tenderness of Shepherd was amazing, especially when Claire gave him that heartbreaking revelation about his "beloved." Their heart bled for them. So many emotions. So, yeah...I enjoyed these books. Don't think that I didn't. I just think the ending could have been hashed out a little better, especially if there aren't going to be any further installations to Shepherd and Claire's story. I'm left unsatisfied.

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